Friday, September 1, 2017

Rumored News on SARMs Discovered

SARMs Demystified

SARMs which is short for selective androgen receptor modulators, are anabolic steroid-like drugs used to enhance performance. They are used to burn fat and build muscle without the ugly side effects caused by steroids. Their initial use was treating diseases which cause muscle degeneration. Compared to anabolic-androgenic steroids, they are considered the better option since they help build muscle with little to no side effects. They also ensure effective absorption and utilisation since they display a high bio availability.

How do SARMs work?

SARMs enhance skeletal muscle mass and strength in androgen-deficient people. Their anabolic effect can be compared to that of testosterone. It has also been known to produce improvements in motorized strength and bone mineral density according to the dose given. Administration of SARMs can be done either orally or through injection.

Benefits of SARMs

Improves strength 

They increase muscle strength within the first months of use.

Non toxic

They have been proven to be non toxic to the liver and have little effect on blood pressure.
Lean muscle development- studies have shown that taking SARMs causes a significant increase in growth of muscle tissue.

Increased libido

since SARMs have similar effects with testosterone, studies have shown that men and women who take them have increased sexual desire.

Tissue selectivity

compared to anabolic steroids, SARMs do not affect any other tissues in the body.
Decrease in prostate problems- men who use SARMs are at a lower risk of having prostate problems since they are known to decrease the threat of prostate problems without muscle mass loss.

Faster injury recovery

SARMS contain components which increase muscle tissue growth hence enhancing faster healing since the damaged tissue is replenished faster.

Side effects of SARMs

Large doses of SARMs may cause shutdown or gynaecomastia if currently predisposed to it.


Types of SARMs


a non-steroidal supplement used by bodybuilders for enhancing lean muscle mass and reducing body fat.


has muscle building effects and might be a possible cure for Alzheimers.

Ostarinec (MK-2866)

used for maintaining and increasing lean body mass.

S4 (Andarine)

it targets bone tissue and is used to cure Oesteoporosis.


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